Is there any way I can define a 3D solid within SQL Server using the spatial data type?
If so, can I see an example of how this would be done? say, just a 1x1x1 simple cube? Would I have to define 6 polygons (1 for each face of the cube) and use those together somehow?
Everything I have read online tends to show examples purely with 2D shapes. I do know the Point type can handle X,Y,Z (and M) - So spatial 3D is possible, but I am finding it hard to get good examples. Especially of polygons / solids.
I guess if this is possible, it leads onto my next question: I would love to use some of the spatial methods that are available: STIntersection(), STContains() etc. Against these 3D objects. And because we are in 3D, a STVolume() function would be fantastic! But that is something I would have to roll myself I guess.
Perhaps there is a library full of SQL CLR Types and Spatial Extension methods that I am in need of?
Thank you.