How can I draw an anti-aliased rounded corners rectangle using Graphics32?
I managed to make a normal rectangle with TPolygon onto the bitmap32 canvas, but I cant find any reference to drawing rounded corners. Would appreciate some code.
How can I draw an anti-aliased rounded corners rectangle using Graphics32?
I managed to make a normal rectangle with TPolygon onto the bitmap32 canvas, but I cant find any reference to drawing rounded corners. Would appreciate some code.
function GetRoundedFixedRectanglePoints(const Rect: TFloatRect; dx, dy: single): TArrayOfFixedPoint;
i, j, k, arcLen: integer;
arcs: array [0 .. 3] of TArrayOfFixedPoint;
//nb: it's simpler to construct the rounded rect in an anti-clockwise
//direction because that's the direction in which the arc points are returned.
with Rect do
arcs[0] := GetArcPointsEccentric(
FloatRect(Left, Bottom -dy*2, Left+dx*2, Bottom), rad180, rad270);
arcs[1] := GetArcPointsEccentric(
FloatRect(Right-dx*2, Bottom -dy*2, Right, Bottom), rad270, 0);
arcs[2] := GetArcPointsEccentric(
FloatRect(Right - dx*2, Top, Right, Top + dy*2), 0, rad90);
arcs[3] := GetArcPointsEccentric(
FloatRect(Left, top, Left+dx*2, Top+dy*2), rad90, rad180);
//close the rectangle
SetLength(arcs[3], Length(arcs[3])+1);
arcs[3][Length(arcs[3])-1] := arcs[0][0];
//calculate the final number of points to return
j := 0;
for i := 0 to 3 do
Inc(j, Length(arcs[i]));
SetLength(Result, j);
j := 0;
for i := 0 to 3 do
arcLen := Length(arcs[i]);
for k := 0 to arcLen -1 do
Result[j+k] := arcs[i][k];
Inc(j, arcLen);
pts: TArrayOfFixedPoint;
pts := GetRoundedFixedRectanglePoints(FloatRect(Left+2, Top+2, Left + Width-2, Top + Height-2), 5, 5);
SimpleFill(ABitmap32, pts, 0, Color32(clBlack));