Zend\\ServiceManager\\ServiceManager::get was unab

2019-07-05 03:44发布


I am trying to modify and copy a custom module i have setup everything DB connection is but getting the error while going to view my module as follows:

Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for getAlbumTable

Here is the my module.config file:

return array(
 'controllers' => array(
     'invokables' => array(
         'Album\Controller\Album' => 'Album\Controller\AlbumController',

 // The following section is new and should be added to your file
 'router' => array(
     'routes' => array(
         'album' => array(
             'type'    => 'segment',
             'options' => array(
                 'route'    => '/album[/:action][/:id]',
                 'constraints' => array(
                     'action' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
                     'id'     => '[0-9]+',
                 'defaults' => array(
                     'controller' => 'Album\Controller\Album',
                     'action'     => 'index',

 'view_manager' => array(
     'template_path_stack' => array(
         'album' => __DIR__ . '/../view',

And here is the database connection in global.php

return array(
'db' => array(
    'driver'         => 'Pdo',
    'dsn'            => 'mysql:dbname=stickynotes;host=localhost',
    'driver_options' => array(

'service_manager' => array(
    'factories' => array(
                => 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory',

Here is the code from the module.php for the services config:

 public function getServiceConfig()
     return array(
         'factories' => array(
             'Album\Model\AlbumTable' =>  function($sm) {
                 $tableGateway = $sm->get('AlbumTableGateway');
                 $table = new AlbumTable($tableGateway);
                 return $table;
             'AlbumTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
                 $dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
                 $resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
                 $resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Album());
                 return new TableGateway('album', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);

Here is the controller to get the album:


   namespace Album\Controller;

   use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
   use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;

   class AlbumController extends AbstractActionController
     protected $_albumTable;

     public function indexAction()

         return new ViewModel(array(

         'albums' => $this->getAlbumTable()->fetchAll(),




Here is the attachment for the database tables: Database tables View

Can anyone please let me know where i have to debug this error and fix the problem?


When you call $this->getAlbumTable() Zend looks for controller plugin, but there is none plugin with such name, so it throws exception.

If you want access any class from service_manager you have to inject it through factory.

use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use MyNamespace\Controller\AlbumController;

class AlbumControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
     * @param ContainerInterface $container
     * @param string $requestedName
     * @param null|array $options
     * @return AlbumController
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
        $class = $requestedName ? $requestedName : AlbumController::class;
        $albumTable = $container->get('Album\Model\AlbumTable'); // get service from service manager
        $controller = new $class($albumTable);

        return $controller;

     * Provided for backwards compatibility; proxies to __invoke().
     * @param ContainerInterface|ServiceLocatorInterface $container
     * @return AlbumController
    public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $container)
        return $this($container, AlbumController::class);

In module.config.php

'controllers' => array(
    'factories' => array(
        Controller\AlbumController::class => Factory\Controller\AlbumControllerFactory::class,

In your controller:

   namespace Album\Controller;

   use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
   use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;

class AlbumController extends AbstractActionController

     protected $_albumTable;

     public function __construct(AlbumTable $albumTable)
         $this->_albumTable = $albumTable;

     public function indexAction()
         return new ViewModel(array(
             'albums' => $this->_albumTable->fetchAll()


Simple, isn't it? :)


I have Just Solved it by adding the Services in my Module file Module.php now the it is working fine:

public function getServiceConfig()
     return array(
         'factories' => array(
             'Album\Model\AlbumTable' =>  function($sm) {
                 $tableGateway = $sm->get('AlbumTableGateway');
                 $table = new AlbumTable($tableGateway);
                 return $table;
             'AlbumTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
                 $dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
                 $resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
                 $resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Album());
                 return new TableGateway('album', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);