Z3: Covert int sort into bitvector

2019-07-05 01:53发布


:A variable x is defined as an int sort by (declare-const x Int)

Is there any method to convert the x into a bitvector sort? Because sometimes x involves bit operations such as &, |, ^ that int theory cannot handle.

I do not want to define the variable x as a bitvector in the beginning because I suppose the operations (e.g., +, -, *, /) supported by int theory except bit operations run much faster than those operations supported in bitvectors.

So actually, I want to covert int sort into bitvector sort or vise vesa in demand.


Ting Chen


Yes, you can use things like bv2int and int2bv. Note the bitvector length matters and that int2bv is parametric (requires the bitvector length).

Here is a minimal example (rise4fun link: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/wxcp ):

(declare-fun x () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () (_ BitVec 16))
(assert (= y 129))
(assert (= (bv2int x) y))
; (assert (= ((_ int2bv 32) y) x)) ; try with this uncommented
(assert (= ((_ int2bv 16) y) z))
(get-value (x y z)) ; gives ((x #x00000000) (y 129) (z #x0081))

Another example is here:

Z3: an exception with int2bv

It looks like there may be some issues with these functions currently: Check overflow with Z3

These may also be called by different names in other solvers (bv2nat and nat2bv): http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories/FixedSizeBitVectors.smt2