__m128* pSrc1 = (__m128*) string;
__m128 m0 = _mm_set_ps1(0); //null character
__m128 result = __m128 _mm_cmpeq_ss(*pSrc1, m0);
//if character is \0 then break
//do some stuff here
I have a string whose length can be a multiple of 16.
How do I break out of the loop if _mm_cmpeq_ss returns equal?
If you're trying to break out of the loop when you first encounter a \0
then you'll need to do something like this:
__m128i* pSrc1 = (__m128i *)string; // init pointer to start of string
__m128i m0 = _mm_set1_epi8(0); // vector of 16 `\0` characters
while (1)
__m128i v0 = _mm_loadu_si128(pSrc1); // get 16 chars from string
__m128i v1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(v0, m0); // compare all 16 chars with '\0'
int vmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(v1); // get 16 comparison result bits
if (vmask != 0) // if any bit is 1
break; // we found a `\0`, break out of loop
pSrc1++; // next 16 characters...
If you only want to test for \0
characters in certain positions and ignore any others then you can change the if (vmask != 0)
test to something which matches your specific requirements.