
TFS Create Main and Development branch from existi

2019-07-04 23:36发布


Currently we have a team project in TFS 2010 named MyApp that was put in years ago. I would like to create MAIN and DEV branches as described in the ALM Rangers guide. I know it would've been easier if the existing team project was created with the branches initially, but that's in the past. I don't want to lose the version history in the existing project.

Is it possible to create those branches (or at least a DEV branch) without affecting the existing project?

UPDATE My folder structure looks something like this (bold is folder, italic is file):

  • server\DefaultCollection
    • MyApp
      • Lib
      • packages
      • Repositories
      • MVCClient
      • MyApp.sln


There's not a great solution to this, but here's one option:

Create a MAIN folder. Copy all your source under this folder. Convert MAIN to a branch. Branch DEV from MAIN.

Keep your old source code around (the stuff not under the MAIN folder) for history purposes.