I am currently (February 2014) trying to find the best tool to perform Internet Explorer versions testing (IE8, IE9, and so on).
I found that my options were the following:
Run any web browsers instantly from the web, using: www.browserstack.com, saucelabs.com , ghostLab or www.spoon.net
Run IE VMs from Modern.IE project (for IE web browsers testing)
One Windows VM + multiple standalone versions of Internet Explorer using http://utilu.com/IECollection/ (for IE web browsers testing)
Dedicated Windows VMs for each IE version (for IE web browsers testing)
4.a) Run multiple Windows XP mode (on Windows 7): "Windows XP Mode is an optional downloaded feature of Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions that provides you a pre-installed image of Windows XP SP3 that you run using Windows Virtual PC". You run multiple Windows XP mode, each having a different version of IE8 installed. read more http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/02/04/testing-multiple-versions-of-ie-on-one-pc.aspx and http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/install-and-use-windows-xp-mode-in-windows-7
4.b) Run multiple MS Windows XP SP3 VMs with a VM software: You can use VirtualBox, VMware, etc...
DO NOT USE (from what I read across many blogs & SO posts):
5.a) IETester: inconsistencies with the "real" IE browsers
5.b) Tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE: inconsistencies with the "real" IE browsers
5.c) And any other emulators who try to reinvent the wheel.
5.d) Windows VPC + timebomb image: resources required circa 12GB! http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11575
Browserstack, SauceLabs & Spoon sound such an easier way to test my website! No setup required, just sign up & start playing.
Browserstack seems much better than Spoon though, maybe I am wrong, but Browserstack has hundreds (litterally) of web browsers. And I could not find old versions of IE in Spoon (maybe I missed something).
On top of that BrowserStack provides mobile & tablet web browser testing! I found it super slow but hey, it's still better than a screenshot. I suspect it does not get any faster once you are on a paid plan.
EDIT: I just came across SauceLabs which seems to be even better than BrowserStack (for manual testing), and they also cover many web browsers & tablet & mobile devices. Except that it is faster to use a mobile browser on Saucelab than BrowserStack, on the free trial version (this may change when you upgrade for a paid account?).
For those interested, Microsoft is now "supporting" browserstack by letting you have a free 3 months trial (for Windows OS web browsers) http://www.modern.ie/en-us/tools
So my question is: did I miss something? or is there something even better than one of these tools/tehchniques I listed here?