Spark dataframe operation on list returns [Ljava.l

2019-07-04 23:16发布


I have a pyspark dataframe where I have grouped data to list with collect_list.

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, collect_list
from itertools import combinations, chain

#Create Dataframe
df = spark.createDataFrame( [(1,'a'), (1,'b'), (2,'c')] , ["id", "colA"])
| id|colA|
|  1|   a|
|  1|   b|
|  2|   c|

#Group by and collect to list
df = df.groupBy("colA").alias("colAlist"))
| id|colAList|
|  1|  [a, b]|
|  2|     [c]|

Then I use a function to find all combinations of the list elements to a new list

allsubsets = lambda l: list(chain(*[combinations(l , n) for n in range(1,len(l)+1)]))
df = df.withColumn('colAsubsets',udf(allsubsets)(df['colAList']))

so I would excpect something like

| id| colAsubsets        |
|  1|  [[a], [b], [a,b]] |
|  2|  [[b]]             |

but I get:
|id |colAList|colAsubsets                                                                              |
|1  |[a, b]  |[[Ljava.lang.Object;@75e2d657, [Ljava.lang.Object;@7f662637, [Ljava.lang.Object;@b572639]|
|2  |[c]     |[[Ljava.lang.Object;@26f67148]                                                           |

Any ideas what to do? And then maybe how to flatten the list to different rows?


All you need to do is to extract the elements from objects created by chain and combinations in a flattened way

so changing

allsubsets = lambda l: list(chain(*[combinations(l , n) for n in range(1,len(l)+1)]))

to the following

allsubsets = lambda l: [[z for z in y] for y in chain(*[combinations(l , n) for n in range(1,len(l)+1)])]

should give you

|id |colA_list|colAsubsets       |
|1  |[a, b]   |[[a], [b], [a, b]]|
|2  |[c]      |[[c]]             |

I hope the answer is helpful


Improving on @RameshMaharjan answer, in order to flatten the list to different rows:

You have to use explode on an array. You must before specify the type of your udf so it doesn't return a StringType.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType

allsubsets = lambda l: [[z for z in y] for y in chain(*[combinations(l , n) for n in range(1,len(l)+1)])]
df = df.withColumn('colAsubsets', udf(allsubsets, ArrayType(ArrayType(StringType())))(df['colAList']))
df ='id', explode('colAsubsets'))

Result :

| id|   col|
|  1|   [a]|
|  1|   [b]|
|  1|[a, b]|
|  2|   [c]|