I have a managed C++ DLL using WINSOCK. On receive it sends a custom message to a CWnd * via PostMessage(). This works fine when called from unmanaged C++. The target CWnd * is registered with the C++ class after construction using this code:
// Registers a window (CWnd *) to receive a message when a valid
// incoming data packet is received on this UdpRetrySocket.
void CUdpRetrySocket::RegOnReceive(CWnd *i_pOnReceiveWnd, UINT i_RecvMsgId = WM_USER_RECV_DATA_AVAIL)
m_pOnReceiveWnd = i_pOnReceiveWnd;
m_RecvMsgId = i_RecvMsgId;
Here's the code that Posts the message to CWnd *
// If there is a pending incoming packet and there is a window
// registered for receive notification then post a message to it.
if (m_bInPktPending && m_pOnReceiveWnd != NULL)
I'm now using this CUdpRetrySocket class from a C# Windows Forms application. Questions:
From C# Forms class how do I obtain a CWnd * to register with my C++ CUdpRetrySocket class
// C++ Register Window Method void RegOnReceive(System::IntPtr i_Hwnd) { m_pOnReceiveWnd = CWnd::FromHandle((HWND)i_Hwnd.ToPointer()); } // C# Caller of Register Window Method class MyForm : Form { . . . cmdDev.RegOnReceive(Handle);
How do I create an event in my C# window to capture this custom MFC style message?
I need the C# app to process packets even when window is minimized. Will the C# Forms Window still receive these messages if it is minimized?
Is there a better way to do this?