Let's assume that we're reading from standard input and building a list of all the lines that have been read. In the end, we need to display those lines, separated by commas.
prompt(_, ''),
processInput([ ], Lines),
findall(_, (member(L, Lines), write(L), write(',')), _),
processInput(LinesSoFar, Lines):-
read_line_to_codes(current_input, Codes),
processInput(Codes, LinesSoFar, Lines).
processInput(Codes, LinesSoFar, Lines):-
( Codes \= end_of_file
atom_codes(Line, Codes),
append(LinesSoFar, [ Line ], LinesSoFar1), % <---- append/3 - O(n)
processInput(LinesSoFar1, Lines)
Lines = LinesSoFar ).
The issue w/ this code is that the append
call in processInput/3
costs us O(n). How can we avoid this cost & still let our predicate be tail-recursive (because we may be reading a lot of lines from standard input)?
It occurred to me that we could replace the append
with the following.
LinesSoFar1 = [ Line | LinesSoFar ],
And we could reverse the list before displaying it. But that seems hacky. Is there a better way?