I'm wondering how the following is done in Rails 4 or if I just use the Rails 3 approach for using a lambda that can pass an argument the same way with 4 as I do with 3.
I'm pretty new to Rails 3 and trying to work through some samples running Rails 4.
Here is my Rails 3 code:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :find_lazy, lambda {|id| where(:id => id)}
# In console I can call
So if this is the Rails 4 way is to use the -> {}, that's a lambda, right? scope :all_lazy, -> { select("*") }
What if I needed an argument. I tried a few different ideas and get argument errors in the console when using the -> {}.
I think it should be
scope :find_lazy, -> (id) { where(id: id) }
Ruby has not deprecated the old style of lambda either, so if you feel more comfortable using that by all means go for it.
I don't personally like the stabby lambda's syntax myself but eventually they will probably become the norm so it doesn't hurt to get used to them.
Rails 4, you can do:
scope :find_lazy, -> (id) { where(id: id) }
That was in the old ruby:
:id => id
Better hash:
id: id
To support associations:
scope :find_lazy, -> (object) { where(object_id: object.id) }
guy I was usually using the below programming syntax
scope :find_lazy, -> (id) { where(id: id) }
But when I was reviewing my code using Codacy I found it alerting me about this syntax
Use the `lambda` method for multiline lambdas.
I changed it to be and it working well
scope :find_lazy, lambda {|id|
where(id: id)