How to apply non standard SQL column sort order?

2019-07-04 17:20发布


Consider the following table named Persons:

Key Name    Type    Date        Pack
1   Pocoyo  KIND    30-11-2011  1
2   Erik    MAN     10-10-1980  1
3   Alinda  VROUW   12-12-1991  1
4   Pingu   KIND    11-12-2012  1
5   Elisia  KIND    11-11-2010  1
6   Kees    MAN     10-11-1984  2

Now I would like to sort this table on Pack, Type and Date, but I would like the Type to be sorted like MAN, VROUW, KIND, so basically the desired outcome should be like:

Key Name    Type    Date        Pack
2   Erik    MAN     10-10-1980  1
3   Alinda  VROUW   12-12-1991  1
5   Elisia  KIND    11-11-2010  1
1   Pocoyo  KIND    30-11-2011  1
4   Pingu   KIND    11-12-2012  1
6   Kees    MAN     10-11-1984  2

How can I create this query?


Try out

FROM Persons
    CASE Type
        WHEN 'MAN' THEN 1
        WHEN 'VROUW' THEN 2
        WHEN 'KIND' THEN 3
    Date ASC

MSDN: CASE (Transact-SQL)

CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use CASE in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and in clauses such as select_list, IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING.


I would be inclined to create a new reference data table, say PersonType to hold the expected values of the "Type" column and their relative sort priority:

Type   SortPriority
MAN    1
KIND   3

And do a left outer join onto this table to determine the sort order for the results of the query against Persons:

    Persons p
LEFT OUTER JOIN PersonType pt on p.Type = pt.Type


I assume, because of your comments, your non-standard order is due to the order of the items in the enum. If that's the case, consider storing the value, not the name of the enum in the database. Let your DAL convert the enum when reading/writing to the DB. For example, today in EntityFramework we can write a small wrapper class that becomes the type of the enum column and define equivalence and implicit conversions between the wrapper and the enum. See this answer for more information on enums and EF. In the June 2011 CTP EF adds support for this translation directly.