I am building an applicaiton for the iPhone that will display upcoming and past events. I settled for a list view, but then I realized that a calendar (just like the one displayed in the "month" view in the built-in Calendar application) would be a best match.
However, the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines just mentions the Date Picker, not the calendar, so I believe there is nothing like that out of the box. Is that true? If so, does anyone know of a third-party control that could be used? (I could write one myself, but I'd rather pick up something ready, since this is a departure on the original project plans).
These are the option I am aware of:
EDIT: as of May 6, 2010
1) GCCalendar
2) http://github.com/klazuka/Kal
3) http://code.google.com/p/iphonecal (needs to be customized - easily - to change text from chinese to english)
4) Commercial: http://nrg.com.bd/blog/archives/36 but the look & feel of the previous ones is much, much better and they are free, if you can comply with their licenses.
Hope this helps.
The best site is indeed https://www.cocoacontrols.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Calendar, because you find screenshots of the separate calendars. Nevertheless, I made a list:
- CLWeeklyCalendarView
- Kal
- TimesSquare
- VURIG Calendar
- OCCalendar
- PMCalendar
- CKCalendar
- ABCalendarPicker
- MBCalendarKit
- DSLCalendarView
- MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout
- NVCalendar
- VFCalendarView
- JTCalendar
- ios-calendar
- TKCalendarMonthView
- MELiPadCalendar
- MACalendarUI
- RDVCalendarView
- RSDayFlow
- DayFlow
- PDTSimpleCalendar
- SACalendar
- MNCalendarView
- CustomCalendar
- CVCalendar
- THCalendarDatePicker
- MZDayPicker
- CustomCalendar
- DIDatepicker
- FSCalendar
- WeekViewDemo
- FFCalendar
- CGCalendarView
- CalendarIOS7
- GCCalendar
- iphonecal
- YFCalendar
- Upcoming
- DPCalendar
- FMCalendar
- TimesSquare Calendar
- XCalendar
- Xamarin.Forms.Calendar
- escoz/monotouch-controls
Buy components
- Telerik.Xamarin.iOS
- Resco Mobileformstoolkit
- Infragistics iOS Controls
I have this in a Excel-Sheet, where you can find much more information.
I would add this very good library.
Check out Kal: http://github.com/klazuka/Kal
Your goto place for any question like this these days is cocoacontrols.com. Searching for "calendar"
gives us 15 responses at post date; this one seems particularly appealing at first glance.
DSLCalendarView for iOS
is the best.
The library for the custom controller for calendar.
1) OCCalendar
2) PMCalendar
3) MAWeekView
4) ios-calendar
5) Kal
6) CKCalendar
Hope it will help you fine.Available on git also.
I've wrote my own (suitable for iPad / landscape view, scrollable, stylable, builds on Three20) – http://www.componentix.com/blog/22
On GitHub – https://github.com/vgrichina/ios-calendar
A slightly newer contender that works better in the iOS7 world is TimesSquare.
I used Tapku for a long time but haven't found it all that flexible, and the code is really hard to modify.
There are also other new version custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0) CVCalendar. It provides easily customisable calendar control for iOS.
DDCalendarView which looks similar to iCal. It has both ObjectiveC and Swift version of code. Currently it shows only daily events. we need to develop the UI to support weekly and monthly events. Event classes used in this calendar are not inherited from EKEventKit classes.