
Angularjs how to set the default value for select

2019-07-04 16:14发布


I have the following object:

defaults = {
0 : {
    id : 10,
    value : "string 1"
1 : {
    id : 22,
    value : "string 2"

I want to iterate over this object and display it as a select box.

<select ng-model="selectedValue" ng-options="obj.id as obj.value for obj in defaults">
   <option value="">---Select option-----</option>

What I'm trying to achieve is to select 'string 2' by default. But it does not work. The problem I have is the fact the selectedValue is a string:

$scope.selectedValue = "string 2";

From what I learned from the documentation the selectedValue must be the same object. But unfortunately, it is not possible. In my case selectedValue must be a string. In other words I need to operate with the name of the option only, I don't care about id. I tried to use ng-repeat. It even works but displays an empty option and I don't think using ng-repeat is a good way to do it.

Any advice will be appreciated greatly.


If you want the selectedValue variable to contain the value, and not the ID, then you should not use obj.id as obj.value, but obj.value as obj.value.


Selected value should be id;

 $scope.selectedValue = 22;

See Demo


change template

 <select ng-model="selectedValue" >
   <option value="">---Select option-----</option>
   <option ng-selected="selectedValue == obj.value" value="{{obj.value}}" ng-repeat="obj in defaults">{{obj.value}}</option>

see Updated Demo


I think you misinterpreted the documentation.

Selected value should refer to a value of the same object, not be an object itself.

Thus, you can set the default value as :

$scope.selectedValue = $scope.defaults[1].value;

That way, the default value will be set - it does not matter if the value is a string or a number.


If you are using ng-repeat with options you need to use on-last-repeat on your options tag. For example select name="repeatSelect" id="repeatSelect" ng-model="usertypes.SelectedId"

option ng-repeat="option in usertypes.AvailableOptions" value="{{option.Id}}" ng-selected="option.Id === usertypes.SelectedId" on-last-repeat>{{option.Name}}
