I am a bit suprised as I am trying to record a macro in Excel, but I keep getting this error:
Cannot Run Visual Basic Editor Because of a Syntax error
The most surprising part is that I am not trying to run any macro yet, just trying to record it.
The first time I noticed this I tried to record something like
Initially I assumed it was an error in the formula I typed, but then I noticed that the correct value was displayed in the sheet.
Now I have a module that looks like this, and each time I try to record something the error pops up.
Option Explicit
Sub Macro34()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=TODAY()"
End Sub
Sub Macro35()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=5"
End Sub
I have written some other macro code in other modules, but that is not supposed to run at the moment (and I didn't see any errors in it as well).
I have searched for this error but each found result is about someone trying to run a macro. It is really annoying me so I hope someone can tell me how to get rid of this error.