I'm trying to run rails project,
I get
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
If I do: "bundle install"
I'm getting
You have already activated rake 0.9.0, but your Gemfile requires rake 0.8.7
while doing
rake db:migrate
First, check to make sure that rake is mentioned in your Gemfile. If it's not, add it, and specify the version "you already activated".
Then, you'll need to tell bundle to update the rake version it's using for your app:
bundle update rake
It'll update your Gemfile.lock
for you.
Where you are currently using rake commands like
rake db:migrate
Use this instead:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
this will be the case until the latest version of rails and/or rake work well together.
I thank to Dobry Den, cheers dude. but little more I had to do.
here is solution (works for me).
I had added
gem 'rake','0.8.7'
on Gemfile, which was not there, but my new version of rails automatically install rake(0.9.0).
after I had delete rake0.9.0 by gem uninstall rake
and after doing bundle update rake
, I can create and migrate database.
Rake 0.9.0 breaks rails.
See here: Rake 0.9.0 'undefined method 'task' '
Use bundle exec rake
instead of rake
to run rake at the correct version.
Specify the version that you want in your Gemfile.
gem 'rake', '0.9.0'
bundle update rake
you need to use bundle exec to run your rake task
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Oh look, it's the future. For me, it was complaining I had rake 10.x installed when it wanted 0.9.5. Not quite sure, not familiar enough with Ruby to really dig into what happened to the recent version numbers, but what I did was:
gem uninstall rake
gem install rake -v 0.9.5
to force the system to install the version of rake that the app wanted (for me it was Octopress).
I had this problem (with another gem that was not rake) and I was able to fix it by
gem uninstall <complaining gem>
gem install <complaining gem>
bundle install
bundle update
Note that the keyword 'sudo' was not used (ie. sudo bundle install) as that may place your gem into directories where your rails app might not be searching in.
If I understand what you're not asking, you need to open your Gemfile
file and change the line...
gem 'rake', '0.8.7'
gem 'rake', '0.9.0'
Add this to your Gemfile
# Rake 0.9.0 break Rails.
gem "rake", "!= 0.9.0"
And then uninstall rake-0.9.0