I'm looking for a way to consume a websocket in Scala.
The websocket is created in a play Application. Here the code in the
def socket = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[String, JsValue] { request => out =>
# Sockets
GET /socket controllers.MyController.socket
Connecting to the socket using Javascript works fine. Now I want to connect to the socket using a http-Client. At the moment I use the PlayHttpClient
Client sbt dependecy
"com.typesafe.play" %% "play-ws" % "2.3.4"
Code to consume Websocket
I found several methods on the client that might do the trick but I'm lost which one to use and how to use them:
def get[A](consumer: (WSResponseHeaders) ⇒ Iteratee[Array[Byte], A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Iteratee[Array[Byte], A]]
looks like it could do the trick. But how to Implement a Consumer?
def getStream(): Future[(WSResponseHeaders, Enumerator[Array[Byte]])]
// Thats how I used it
def alertStream = client.
withHeaders("Accept" -> "application/json").
stream.map { case (headers, enumerator) =>
val loggingIteratee = Iteratee.foreach[Array[Byte]] { chunk =>
val chunkString = new String(chunk, "UTF-8")
enumerator.apply( loggingIteratee )
I tried this one but I get an 400 - Excpetion in the ResponseHeaders all the time. Changing the protocol to ws:// in the url leads to this exeption:
> val con = client.url("ws://localhost:9000/socket").get
java.io.IOException: WebSocket method must be a GET
at com.ning.http.client.providers.netty.NettyAsyncHttpProvider.doConnect(NettyAsyncHttpProvider.java:989)