I am trying to unit test this class ServizioController :
public class ServizioController : IServizioController
public virtual void PerformAction(Super.Core.Servizio servizio)
public virtual bool Start()
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual bool Stop()
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual bool Continue()
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
It goes fine if this class is part of a test or a library project. But When it is in the Service Project, Moq is throwing me this error:
Invalid setup on a non-overridable member: x => x.Start()
My test looks like this :
public void ServizioController_PerformAction_Start()
bool _start, _stop, _continue;
_start = _stop = _continue = false;
Super.Core.Servizio s = new Super.Core.Servizio()
Action = ServizioAction.START.ToString()
var mock = new Mock<ServizioController>() { CallBase = true };;
mock.Setup(x => x.Start())
.Callback(() => _start = true);
mock.Setup(x => x.Stop())
.Callback(() => _stop = true);
mock.Setup(x => x.Continue())
.Callback(() => _continue = true);
I am willing to continue, so This class is going to join a library class, but if someone could explain me this behavior , I would be more than happy...