I'm trying to get autocompletion working in Sublime Text 3 via the Anaconda plug-in. So far I've been successful getting autocompletion working with the standard python libraries but not for Django.
My sublime project file looks like this:
"folders": [
"follow_symlinks": true,
"path": "."
"settings": {
"python_interpreter": "/Users/user/.virtualenvs/project/bin/python",
"suppress_word_completions": true,
"anaconda_debug": true,
"name":"Virtualenv 2.7 Project",
"shell_cmd": "/Users/user/.virtualenvs/project/bin/python -u \"$file\"",
"path": "/Users/jamiehush/.virtualenvs/project/bin",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"
I'm also running "subl" from a terminal while inside a virtual environment.