Given a spreadsheet with two columns, say A and B, each containing n values under it, all text; is there a formula that allows me to fill just one cell containing the amount of equal values in columns A and B?
1 M M
2 L M
3 L L
4 M M
5 M L
Since columns A and B both contain an M in rows 1 and 4, and a L in row 3, the result is 3. (2+1 ^^)
Thanks in advance -
Spreadsheet rookie
A simple solution is to use QUERY function in google spreadsheet:
=SUM(QUERY(A1:B5, "Select 1 where A = B"))
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(((A:A)=(B:B)) * (1) ))
One of possible solution will be to add the following formula in column C: =N(EXACT(A1,B1))
copy it throughout the column down to the last row and then sum up the column C values using =SUM(C1:C5)
Here we go:
=IF(EQ(LEFT(A0, 1), "A"),
Reading: if the value in row 0 (it doesn't exist, but my example above does ;) ) is equal to the text "A", take the sum of an array N, otherwise put in an empty string. ("")
Array N is build by taking the transpose of columns A and B. (Turning them, so they look like a row) and comparing the values. (Burnash gave me the options "N" and "EXACT") The formula N transforms this into a 1 or 0.
Copy paste the formula in an entire row and what do you know... It worked! That was hellish for something so trivial.
Thanks anyway.