I'm using HAML to generate templates for a Backbone.js app. I need to be able to insert <%= blah %>
as an html attribute a la:
%a{:href => "myresources/<% id %>"} My Resource
and have it output
<a href='myresources/<%= id %>' >My Resource</a>
in the html template. Unfortunately, HAML escapes the html parameters leaving me with
<a href='#myresources/<%= id %>'>My Resource</a>
According to the HAML Reference the '!' operator can be used for unescaping strings, but not within the HTML attributes.
Also, I'd use plaintext to render the anchor tag, but since the anchor tag is the root for this particular view, I lose all of the benefits of using HAML.
Any help?
I didn't mention, but I'm using LiveReload to actually watch my file system and run the haml compiler, and there was a setting in LiveReload to disable HTML escapes in tag attributes. < head slap > If anyone else runs into this issue outside of LiveReload, you can also set the :escape_attrs
option to false when configuring your HAML setup.