In my kendo grid, I want to put some value in a cell & then after leaving the cell, based on the value of that cell, I need to put some other value on the adjascent cell. How can I do that?
I have studied the following jsfiddle, the problem is its triggering the event everytime I'm getting out of any cell, but I need to fire the event for only one column's cell.
here is my grid:
//To Define Columns for Yearly Holiday Kendo Grid
var YearlyHolidayGrid = $("#YearlyHolidayGrid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: YearlyHolidayDataSource,
pageable: true,
editable: true,
edit: function (e) {
var input = e.container.find(".k-input");
var value = input.val();
input.keyup(function () {
value = input.val();
input.blur(function () {
//$("#log").html(input.attr('name') + " blurred : " + value);
//var a = new Date();
//a = value;
//var day = a.getDay();
selectable: "row",
navigatable: true,
filterable: true,
sortable: true,
height: 200,
columns: [
{ field: "HLDY_SLNO", title: "SL", width: "50px" },
{ field: "HLDY_DATE", title: "Date", width: "100px" },
{ field: "HLDY_DAY", title: "Day", width: "100px" },
{ field: "HLDY_NAME", title: "Holiday Name", width: "100px" },
{ field: "HLDY_TYPE", title: "Holiday Type", width: "100px" },
{ field: "HLDY_STATUS", title: "Holiday Status", width: "100px", editor: YearlyHolidayStatus },
{ field: "HLDY_DFIN_TYPE", title: "Defined as", width: "100px", editor: YearlyHolidayDefinedAs },
{ field: "HLDY_REM", title: "Remarks", width: "100px" },
{ command: [{ name: "DeltedRow", text: "Delete"}], title: "Delete", width: 100 }
//change: function () {
// var row =;
// var id ="id");
// // $("#log")
// // .html("selected row with id= " + id + " \
// //, for ShipName = " + dataSource.get(id).get("ShipName"));
Plz help.