We moved our project to gradle and we have continuous build on Jenkins. We use the gradle wrapper and the Jenkings gradle plugin.
I recognized by reviewing the console output that gradle will be downloaded on each build:
11:24:42 Downloading http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.5-bin.zip
11:24:48 ........................................................
11:24:49 Unzipping /home/workspace/our_build/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.5-bin/9si5v6u7tk37kj5dlsrdcm595/gradle-1.5-bin.zip
to /home/workspace/our_build/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.5-bin/9si5v6u7tk37kj5dlsrdcm595
I think the reason is because the accurev plugin will purge always the whole workspace for each run (cannot be disabled).
Is it possible to configure the gradle download location? Is it safe to use a shared location for all jobs? Or is it better to have a location per job?