刷新单个剑道网格行(Refresh a single Kendo grid row)

2019-07-04 05:24发布


Answer 1:

你如何定义你想要更新的行? 我会认为是你选择了行,被更新的列的名称是symbol

// Get a reference to the grid
var grid = $("#my_grid").data("kendoGrid");

// Access the row that is selected
var select = grid.select();
// and now the data
var data = grid.dataItem(select);
// update the column `symbol` and set its value to `HPQ`
data.set("symbol", "HPQ");


Answer 2:

data.set实际上将刷新整个电网和发送databound在某些情况下的事件。 这是非常缓慢和不必要的。 它也将崩溃任何扩展的详细信息模板是不理想的。


// Updates a single row in a kendo grid without firing a databound event.
// This is needed since otherwise the entire grid will be redrawn.
function kendoFastRedrawRow(grid, row) {
    var dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);

    var rowChildren = $(row).children('td[role="gridcell"]');

    for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) {

        var column = grid.columns[i];
        var template = column.template;
        var cell = rowChildren.eq(i);

        if (template !== undefined) {
            var kendoTemplate = kendo.template(template);

            // Render using template
        } else {
            var fieldValue = dataItem[column.field];

            var format = column.format;
            var values = column.values;

            if (values !== undefined && values != null) {
                // use the text value mappings (for enums)
                for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
                    var value = values[j];
                    if (value.value == fieldValue) {
            } else if (format !== undefined) {
                // use the format
                cell.html(kendo.format(format, fieldValue));
            } else {
                // Just dump the plain old value


// Get a reference to the grid
var grid = $("#my_grid").data("kendoGrid");

// Access the row that is selected
var select = grid.select();
// and now the data
var data = grid.dataItem(select);

// Update any values that you want to
data.symbol = newValue;
data.symbol2 = newValue2;

// Redraw only the single row in question which needs updating
kendoFastRedrawRow(grid, select);

// Then if you want to call your own databound event to do any funky post processing:

Answer 3:

我发现了一个方法来更新在网格中网格数据源,并显示无刷新全部并网发电。 例如你有一个选择的行,你想更改列“名称”值。

//the grid
var grid = $('#myGrid').data('kendoGrid');    
// Access the row that is selected
var row = grid.select();
//gets the dataItem
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
//sets the dataItem   
dataItem.name = 'Joe';
//generate a new row html
var rowHtml = grid.rowTemplate(dataItem);
//replace your old row html with the updated one

文章来源: Refresh a single Kendo grid row