tastypie won't remove foreignkey reference dur

2019-07-04 01:24发布


I'm having an issue with Tastypie not saving changes to my object when I do a PUT that causes a foreignkey field to be set to null.

Here's my ModelResource:

class FolderResource(ModelResource):
    parent = fields.ForeignKey('self','parent',full=True,default=None,blank=True,null=True)
    project = fields.ForeignKey(ProjectResource,'project',full=False)
    class Meta:
        queryset = Folder.objects.all()
        authentication = Authentication()
        authorization = Authorization()
        resource_name = 'folder'
        include_absolute_url = True
        always_return_data = True
        filtering = {
            "slug": ('exact', 'startswith',),
            "name": ALL,

I have an existing folder object with the following data:

    absolute_url: "/projects/1/files/5/",
    created_date: "13 Feb 2012",
    id: "5",
    modified_date: "15 Feb 2012",
    modified_file: null,
    name: "testfolder2",
    parent: {
        absolute_url: "/projects/1/files/1/",
        created_date: "4 Feb 2012",
        id: "1",
        modified_date: "15 Feb 2012",
        modified_file: null,
        name: "testfolder1",
        parent: null,
        project: "/projects/api/v1/project/1/",
        removed_date: null,
        resource_uri: "/projects/api/v1/folder/1/",
        slug: "testfolder1"
    project: "/projects/api/v1/project/1/",
    removed_date: null,
    resource_uri: "/projects/api/v1/folder/5/",
    slug: "testfolder2"

I will try to PUT the following data to '/projects/api/v1/folder/5/':

    parent: null

I don't get back any errors, everything seems fine but nothing gets saved to the database. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or why the change isn't being saved?


If you want to do a partial update, then you need a PATCH method.