libxml2 and XPath traversing children and siblings

2019-07-03 23:57发布


I have done a fair bit of XML stuff in Perl and now I need to do it in ANDI C for a project. Here's the code I wrote with a snippet of the XML. I have had success to a degree, but am having problems with getting siblings, I am sure it's super easy but I just can't get it. There is two functions, one that simply gets the node set (copied directly from The second function is mine.

xmlXPathObjectPtr getnodeset (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlChar *xpath){

    xmlXPathContextPtr context;
    xmlXPathObjectPtr result;

    context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
    if (context == NULL) {
        printf("Error in xmlXPathNewContext\n");
        return NULL;

    result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context);

    if (result == NULL) {
        printf("Error in xmlXPathEvalExpression\n");
        return NULL;

                printf("No result\n");
        return NULL;

    return result;

    void reader(xmlDocPtr xmlDoc, char *xpath)

    xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathresult;
    xmlNodeSetPtr node;
    xmlNodeSetPtr node2;
    xmlChar *title;

    int cnt;

    // parse feed in memory to xml object
    doc = xmlReadMemory(xmlDoc,strlen(xmlDoc),"noname.xml",NULL,0);

    if (!doc) criterr("Error parsing xml document");

    // get xpath node set (ttn retrieves the value from the token table)
    xpathresult = getnodeset(doc, ( xmlChar * ) xpath);

    if (xpathresult) {
        node = xpathresult->nodesetval;
        printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");

        for (cnt=0;cnt<node->nodeNr; cnt++) {

            title = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->nodeTab[cnt]->xmlChildrenNode,1);

            printf("%d) title= %s<br/>\n",cnt,title);


    } else {
        criterr("Xpath failed");



and the xml snippet

  <title>this is the title</title>
  <link>this is the link</link>
  <description>this is the description</description>

if I use an XPath like //item/title I get all the titles, but what I really want is to get the item and then in the node->nodeNr loop, be able to get the title, link and description easily as I have 100's of 'item' blocks, I'm just not sure how to get the children or siblings of that block easily.


Use xmlNextElementSibling. How does one locate it? Go to Tree API, search for sibling.

And this is your loop now getting also the link.

    for (cnt=0;cnt<node->nodeNr; cnt++) {
        xmlNodePtr titleNode = node->nodeTab[cnt];
        // titleNode->next gives empty text element, so better:
        xmlNodePtr linkNode = xmlNextElementSibling(titleNode);

        title = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, titleNode->xmlChildrenNode,1);
        link = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, linkNode->xmlChildrenNode,1);

        printf("%d) title= %s<br/>, link=%s\n",cnt,title,link);

titleNode->next may also be made to point the link, see how to get these XML elements with libxml2?.

And getting children? xmlFirstElementChild and loop while node->next.

标签: c xpath libxml2