As an exercise, I am trying to convert the karma unit tests included in the angular-seed
repo from js to coffee script. In particular, I am having problems with the tests/unit/directivesSpec.js
test set, which defines a simple value service. Here is my coffee script code:
1 describe 'directives', ->
2 beforeEach module 'myApp.directives'
4 describe 'app-version', ->
5 it 'should print current version', ->
6 module ($provide) ->
7 $provide.value 'version', 'TEST_VER'
8 inject ($compile, $rootScope) ->
9 element = $compile('<span app-version></span>')($rootScope)
10 expect(element.text()).toEqual 'TEST_VER'
There seems to be a problem when the coffee script code is compiled around line 6
as this becomes:
module(function($provide) {
return $provide.value('version', 'TEST_VER');
And causes my tests to fail with the error:
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'fn' is not a function, got Object
at /Data/src/ngfrontend-seed/app/vendor/angular/angular.js:78:12
at assertArg (/Data/src/ngfrontend-seed/app/vendor/angular/angular.js:1358:11)
at assertArgFn (/Data/src/ngfrontend-seed/app/vendor/angular/angular.js:1368:3)
If I remove the return
statement, the test runs fine. Referring to the example in the documentation, it's not immediately clear what the module function accepts as a return value, but the return
statement seems to be breaking things.
Any ideas of how to fix this, or would it be sensible to stick to plain javascript when writing test specs?