I'm using PCL to obtain the transformation matrix from ICP (getTransformationMatrix()).
The result obtained for exemple for a translation movement without rotation is
0.999998 0.000361048 0.00223594 -0.00763852
-0.000360518 1 -0.000299474 -0.000319525
-0.00223602 0.000298626 0.999998 -0.00305045
0 0 0 1
how can I find the trasformation from the matrix?
The idea is to see the error made between the stimation and the real movement
I have not used the library you refer to here, but it is pretty clear to me that the result you provide is a homogenous transform i.e. the upper left 3x3 matrix (R) is the rotation matrix and the right 3x1 (T) is the translation:
M1 = [ **[** [R], [T] **], [** 0 0 0 1 **]** ]
refer to the 'Matrix Representation' section here:
This notation is used so that you can get the final point after successive transforms by multiplying the transform matrices.
If you have a point p0 transformed n times you get the point p1 as:
P0 = [[p0_x], [p0_y], [p0_z], [1]]
P1 = [[p1_x], [p1_y], [p1_z], [1]]
M = M1*M2*...*Mn
P1 = M*P0
tROTA is the matrix with translation and rotation:
auto trafo = icp.getFinalTransformation();
Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine> tROTA(trafo);
float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw;
pcl::getTranslationAndEulerAngles(tROTA, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw);