在不同的数据帧匹配多个列和得到其它列作为结果(Matching multiple columns o

2019-07-03 16:29发布

我有两个大的数据帧,一个( df1 )具有这种结构

   chr    init
1  12  25289552
2   3 180418785
3   3 180434779

其他( df2 )有这

    V1    V2     V3
10  1     69094 medium
11  1     69094 medium
12  12 25289552 high
13  1     69095 medium
14  3 180418785 medium
15  3 180434779 low

我想要做的就是添加列V3df2df1 ,得到突变的信息

   chr    init  Mut
1  12  25289552 high
2   3 180418785 medium
3   3 180434779 low

我试图同时装入成R,然后用比赛做一个for循环,但它不工作。 你知道任何特殊的方式来做到这一点? 我也开用awk或类似的东西做

Answer 1:


df1 <- read.table(text='  chr    init
1  12  25289552
2   3 180418785
3   3 180434779', header=TRUE)

df2 <- read.table(text='    V1    V2     V3
10  1     69094 medium
11  1     69094 medium
12  12 25289552 high
13  1     69095 medium
14  3 180418785 medium
15  3 180434779 low', header=TRUE)

merge(df1, df2, by.x='init', by.y='V2') # this works!
       init chr V1     V3
1  25289552  12 12   high
2 180418785   3  3 medium
3 180434779   3  3    low


output <- merge(df1, df2, by.x='init', by.y='V2')[, c(2,1,4)]
colnames(output)[3] <- 'Mut' 
  chr      init    Mut
1  12  25289552   high
2   3 180418785 medium
3   3 180434779    low

Answer 2:

df1 <- read.table(textConnection("   chr    init
 1  12  25289552
 2   3 180418785
 3   3 180434779"), header=T)

df2 <- read.table(textConnection("    V1    V2     V3
 10  1     69094 medium
 11  1     69094 medium
 12  12 25289552 high
 13  1     69095 medium
 14  3 180418785 medium
 15  3 180434779 low"), header=T)

# You have to select the values of df2$V3 such as their corresponding V2 
# are equal to the values of df1$init
df1$Mut <- df2$V3[ df2$V2 %in% df1$init]

  chr      init    Mut
1  12  25289552   high
2   3 180418785 medium
3   3 180434779    low

Answer 3:


df3 <- merge( df1, df2, by.x = "init", by.y = "V2" )
df3 <- df3[-3]
colnames( df3 )[3] <- "Mut"


Answer 4:

@ user976991评论为我工作。


我的域环境是一个产品数据库具有多个条目(潜在的价格条目)。 要删除旧的update_nums,只保留最新的PRODUCT_ID。

raw_data <- data.table( product_id = sample(10:13, 20, TRUE), update_num = sample(1:3, 20, TRUE), stuff = rep(1, 20, sep = ''))
max_update_nums <- raw_data[ , max(update_num), by = product_id]
distinct(merge(dt, max_update_nums, by.x = c("product_id", "update_num"), by.y = c("product_id", "V1")))

文章来源: Matching multiple columns on different data frames and getting other column as result