I'm trying to use the generate crud feature with my new symfony3 project. I have created a bundle named AdminBundle with the generator, the entity test, also with the generator, all processed well to the end. I checked my file under, i have my class Test.php generated under my src/AdminBundle/Entity/Test.php folder. All is working well.
But when i try to generate a crud following the doc for my test entity with the following command :
bin/console generate:doctrine:crud
The Entity shortcut name: AdminBundle:Test
I get the following error :
[RuntimeException] Entity "Test" does not exist in the "AdminBundle" bundle. You may have mistyped the bundle name or maybe the entity doesn't exist yet (create it first with the "doctrine:generate:entity" comm and).
As i said, i already generated the entity with the "doctrine:generate:entity" command, and i type the same name ( AdminBundle:Test ) as i type in my crud generator.
Any ideas ?