I have array of objects and a property, my dom-repeat structure is like as below
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{arrayOfObj}}"> //first dom repeat
<span>[[myProperty]]<span> //here also its not updating
<template is="dom-if" if="[[_checkSomeCondition()]]"> //calling method from dom-if
<span>[[myProperty]]<span> //here its not getting updated value
I have a property
my function is called each time when dom-repeat iterates
_checkSomeCondition:function() { //I'll check and set property
if(some condition){
this.myProperty = true;
return true;
this.myProperty = false;
return true;
console.log(this.myProperty); //I'll get the updated value on console
but its not changing in screen!! It will display whatever data it set first time inside _checkSomeCondition !! but in console its updating
For testing I inserted a button and after all dom-repeat rendered on tapping that button I called some function ,there when I changed value it get reflected everywhere
this.myProperty = true;
but why its not working when value is changed inside a function which is called by dom-repeat?? I tried all 3 ways of updating a object