Newbie here, trying to install ReactiveCocoa 2.2.4 with CocoaPods into a project and running into errors at runtime. I have used this podspec on github. Here's my code --
MainViewController.m @interface has:
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *testString;
MainViewController.m viewDidLoad() has:
self.testString = @"hello";
[RACObserve(self, testString) subscribeNext:^(NSString *newString) {
NSLog(@"%@", newString);
self.testString = @"yellow";
This is the runtime error I get, where it looks as though "self" is getting the selector sent to it instead of "testString":
exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MainViewController rac_valuesForKeyPath:observer:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
FWIW, I have been able to successfully install ReactiveCocoa via CocoaPods twice in two fresh xcode projects following this youtube vid -- both with and without the podspec i'm trying to use in my other project.
More info about my setup:
- Xcode 5
- In Target: General: Linked Libraries and Frameworks: libPods.a (in black -- weirdly, in the new projects where ReactiveCocoa works, this is red)
- In Target: Build Settings: Other Linker Flags: -ObjC and -all_load (even though my understanding is that adding these is no longer necessary. also, whether I have them or not, i still get the same result).
- In Target: Build Settings: Header Search Paths: (all non-recursive, all added by CocoaPods): "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers", "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/ReactiveCocoa", "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa"
- In Target: Build Phases: Target Dependencies: nada (do I need something here?)
- In Target: Build Phases: Link Binary With Libraries: : libPods.a (in black -- weirdly, in the new projects where ReactiveCocoa works, this is red)
Thanks for any help!