I would like to replace a string in a file using a batch file.
The string is:
And I want to replace it by:
I found several posts, like this one : "how-to-replace-substrings-in-windows-batch-file" but the example uses a dummy string with no special characters.
Thank you !
Context: I use mysqldump
to extract a database and I would like every line of the insert command to be on a new line for more visibility.
I don't want to use --extended-insert=false
because it slows down reinsertion of the backup.
INSERT INTO `dummytable` (`dummycolumn`) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
I want it to be:
INSERT INTO `dummytable` (`dummycolumn`) VALUES (1),
Take a look at replacer.bat
call replacer.bat "e?C:\content.txt" "\u0022),(\u0022" "\u0022),\u000a(\u0022"
Edit without the quotes:
call replacer.bat "e?C:\content.txt" "),(" "),\u000a("
windows style
call replacer.bat "e?C:\content.txt" "),(" "),\u000D\u000a("
you can check also FindRepl and JRepl which are more sophisticated tools
This works for me:
SET textFile=test.txt
TYPE NUL>tempOut.txt
FOR /F %%l IN (%textFile%) DO (
SET line=%%l
SET line=!line:"),("="),\n("!
ECHO !line!>>tempOut.txt
MOVE /y tempOut.txt %textFile%
In batch if the pattern are always same you could deal with tokens and delims like this:
@echo off
(echo INSERT INTO `dummytable` (`dummycolumn`^) VALUES (1^),(2^),(3^);
(FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=," %%a IN (%TEMP%\_file.tmp) do (
echo %%a,
echo %%b,
echo %%c
exit /b 0
INSERT INTO `dummytable` (`dummycolumn`) VALUES (1),
I found another way from a npocmaka's post in stackoverflow
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
REM Creating a Newline variable (the two blank lines are required!)
set NLM=^
set NL=^^^%NLM%%NLM%^%NLM%%NLM%
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in (%TEMP%\_file.tmp) do (
set "line=%%a"
set line=!line:,(=,%NL%(!
echo !line!
exit /b 0