Is there a way to setup a Moshi adapter
to automatically create a single Object
or List<Object>
based on the JSON response? Currently, I can do this explicitly. For example, I can receive the following responses:
"userId": "1",
"id": "2",
"body": "body...",
"title": "title..."
"userId": "1",
"id": "2",
"body": "body...",
"title": "title..."
And I would like to create Object
or List<Object>
without having to explicitly specify which one to use.
You can use a JsonQualifier to generalize this.
From your example, you might use it like
final class Foo {
@SingleToArray final List<User> users;
Here's the code with a test to demonstrate more thouroughly.
@JsonQualifier public @interface SingleToArray {
final class Adapter extends JsonAdapter<List<Object>> {
final JsonAdapter<List<Object>> delegateAdapter;
final JsonAdapter<Object> elementAdapter;
public static final Factory FACTORY = new Factory() {
@Nullable @Override
public JsonAdapter<?> create(Type type, Set<? extends Annotation> annotations,
Moshi moshi) {
Set<? extends Annotation> delegateAnnotations =
Types.nextAnnotations(annotations, SingleToArray.class);
if (delegateAnnotations == null) {
return null;
if (Types.getRawType(type) != List.class) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Only lists may be annotated with @SingleToArray. Found: " + type);
Type elementType = Types.collectionElementType(type, List.class);
JsonAdapter<List<Object>> delegateAdapter = moshi.adapter(type, delegateAnnotations);
JsonAdapter<Object> elementAdapter = moshi.adapter(elementType);
return new Adapter(delegateAdapter, elementAdapter);
Adapter(JsonAdapter<List<Object>> delegateAdapter, JsonAdapter<Object> elementAdapter) {
this.delegateAdapter = delegateAdapter;
this.elementAdapter = elementAdapter;
@Nullable @Override public List<Object> fromJson(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
if (reader.peek() != JsonReader.Token.BEGIN_ARRAY) {
return Collections.singletonList(elementAdapter.fromJson(reader));
return delegateAdapter.fromJson(reader);
@Override public void toJson(JsonWriter writer, @Nullable List<Object> value)
throws IOException {
if (value.size() == 1) {
elementAdapter.toJson(writer, value.get(0));
} else {
delegateAdapter.toJson(writer, value);
@Test public void singleToArray() throws Exception {
Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder().add(SingleToArray.Adapter.FACTORY).build();
JsonAdapter<List<String>> adapter =
moshi.adapter(Types.newParameterizedType(List.class, String.class), SingleToArray.class);
assertThat(adapter.fromJson("[\"Tom\",\"Huck\"]")).isEqualTo(Arrays.asList("Tom", "Huck"));
assertThat(adapter.toJson(Arrays.asList("Tom", "Huck"))).isEqualTo("[\"Tom\",\"Huck\"]");
Using @Eric's comment, I came up with the correct code below:
public static <T> List<T> loadFakeData(String url, Class<T> cls){
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder().build();
try {
JsonReader reader = JsonReader.of(runHttpClient(url));
JsonReader.Token token = reader.peek();
if (token.equals(JsonReader.Token.BEGIN_ARRAY)) {
Type type = Types.newParameterizedType(List.class, cls);
JsonAdapter<List<T>> adapter = moshi.adapter(type);
list = adapter.fromJson(reader);
} else if (token.equals(JsonReader.Token.BEGIN_OBJECT)){
JsonAdapter<T> adapter = moshi.adapter(cls);
T t = adapter.fromJson(reader);
} catch (IOException e) {
return list;