
boost bind class function pointer

2019-07-02 21:35发布


class Foo 
    double f1( int x, std::string s1 );
    double f2( int x, SomeClass s2 );

I want to be able to bind Foo.f1's s1 without an instance of foo to create in essense

typedef double (Foo::* MyFooFunc)( int ) 

MyFooFunc func1 = boost::bind( &Foo::f1, _1, _2, "some string" );
MyFooFunc func2 = boost::bind( &Foo::f2, _1, _2, SomeClass );

Then I pass func1 and func2 as parameters to other functions, inside which Foo is finally bound:

void SomeOtherFunction( MyFooFunc func )
     Foo foo;
     boost::function< double (int) > finalFunc =
          boost::bind( func, foo, _1 );

Questions: Is this possible? If yes, 1) how to achieve it? 2) What's the declaration of MyFooFunc?


typedef double (Foo::* MyFooFunc)( int );

MyFooFunc func1 = boost::bind( &Foo::f1, _1, _2, "some string" );

The result of boost::bind is not a pointer to member, so func1 cannot be initialized as such on the second line. The result of boost::bind is an unspecified type (which will depend on the parameters). If you're using C++0x, the simplest way to name the result of a call to bind is to use auto:

auto func1 = boost::bind( &Foo::f1, _1, _2, "some string" );

Another simple way (not restricted to C++03) is simply to not name the result, but to use it on the spot:

SomeOtherFunction(boost::bind(&Foo::f1, _1, _2, "some string"));

Or, you can use type-erasure to store the result of boost::bind into a boost::function, which you seem to be familiar with. boost::function<double(Foo&, int)> is a possibility but not the only choice.

We now need to find the appropriate signature for SomeOtherFunction: again, a pointer to member can't be initialized from the result of a call to boost::bind, so void SomeOtherFunction(MyFooFunc func); won't work. You can make the function a template instead:

template<typename Func>
void SomeOtherFunction( Func func )
     Foo foo;
     boost::function< double (int) > finalFunc =
          boost::bind( func, foo, _1 );

If a template is not preferrable, then you must use some kind of type-erasure such as, again, boost::function.

void SomeOtherFunction(boost::function<double(Foo&, int)> const& func);

(once again other boost::function types are possible depending on details such as passing a ref-to-const as opposed to a ref-to-non-const)


Try this:

boost::bind(&Foo::f1, object, _1, _2);

object is an instance of class Foo. _1 and _2 are the argument placeholders.