I have a postgresql 9.4 (aka mongodb killer ;-) ) and this simple schema :
CREATE TABLE test (id SERIAL, name text, misc jsonb);
now i populate this, if i make a select it will show something like
id | name | misc
1 | user1 | { "age" : 23, "size" : "M" }
2 | user2 | { "age" : 30, "size" : "XL" }
now, if i make a request with psycopg2,
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test;")
rows = list(cur)
i'll end up with
[ { 'id' : 1, 'name' : 'user1', 'misc' : '{ "age" : 23, "size" : "M" }' },
{ 'id2' : 2, 'name' : 'user2', 'misc' : '{ "age" : 30, "size" : "XL' }' }]
what's wrong you would tell me ? well misc is type str. i would expect it to be recognized as json and converted as Python dict.
from psycopg2 doc (psycopg2/extras page) it states that "Reading from the database, json values will be automatically converted to Python objects."
with RealDictCursor it seems that it is not the case. it means that that i cannot access rows[0]['misc']['age'] as it would be convenient...
ok, i could do manually with
for r in rows:
r['misc'] = json.loads(r['misc'])
but if i can avoid that because there's a nicer solution...
ps. someone with 1500+ rep could create the postgresql9.4 tag ;-)