How should I include accents into a regex? I'd like to detect letters from a-z
and äáàëéèíìöóòúùñç
but this regex doesn't work:
$pattern = '/^([a-zäáàëéèíìöóòúùñç])/i';
How should I include accents into a regex? I'd like to detect letters from a-z
and äáàëéèíìöóòúùñç
but this regex doesn't work:
$pattern = '/^([a-zäáàëéèíìöóòúùñç])/i';
How about:
cat test.php
preg_match('/\pL/u', 'é', $m);
php -q test.php
[0] => é
You can try using a pre-defined class to match all letters, for instance:
This will work in most regex-engines.
You can read more about unicode in regexes here, for instance:
You might try to add the u
flag to your regex (see PCRE_UTF8 on modifiers page)
What if you remove the last 'i', I'm using Rubular to test it and it works without it (and also without the /
since those are php specific.)
so basically test it in this page like this: ^([a-zäáàëéèíìöóòúùñç])
Here you can find the solution to my problem: Using of regex whith preg_replace_callback , it seemed the regex has to be like: $pattern = '/(\p{L})(.+)/iu';