how can i parse an url in c++ with boost regex like i have an url
i need to split the base url
and then query path search?h=test&q=examaple
how can i parse an url in c++ with boost regex like i have an url
i need to split the base url
and then query path search?h=test&q=examaple
Are you sure you need regex for that?
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
using namespace std;
string x = "";
size_t sp = x.find_first_of( '/', 7 /* skip http:// part */ );
if ( sp != string::npos ) {
string base_url( x.begin()+7, x.begin()+sp );
cout << base_url << endl;
sp = x.find_last_of( '/' );
if ( sp != string::npos ) {
string query( x.begin()+sp+1, x.end() );
cout << query << endl;
return 0;
regex version:
string input_string = "";
boost::regex exrp( "^(?:http://)?([^/]+)(?:/?.*/?)/(.*)$" );
boost::match_results<string::const_iterator> what;
if( regex_search( input_string, what, exrp ) ) {
std::string base_url( what[1].first, what[1].second );
std::string query( what[2].first, what[2].second );