I'm using http://designwithpc.com/Plugins/Hovercard , but I can't find out how to declare a var on hovercard. Every job-desc has his own ID and it should be call when hovering labels. I hope I explained well.
<li id="577" class="item">
<h3 class="padding-left"><label class="labeldesc" for="">Text</label></h3>
<span class="job-descr" id="hiden-577">TextTextTextTextText</span>
<li id="588" class="item">
<h3 class="padding-left"><label class="labeldesc" for="">Text2</label></h3>
<span class="job-descr" id="hiden-588">Text2Text2Text2Text2Text</span>
Jquery code:
var idhover=$(this).closest('.item').attr('id');
detailsHTML:$("#hiden-" + idhover).html()