how to decode ubyte[] to a specified encoding?

2019-07-02 15:10发布


The problem is: how to parse a file when encoding is set at runtime?

encoding could be: utf-8, utf-16, latin1 or other

The goal it is to convert ubyte[] to a string from the selected encoding. Because when you use std.stdio.File.byChunk or std.mmFile.MmFile you have ubyte[] as data.


Are you trying to convert text file to utf-8? If answer is 'yes', Phobos have function specialy for this: @trusted string toUTF8(in char[] s). See for details.

Sorry if it not what you need.


I have found a way, maybe use std.algorithm.reduce should be better

import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.encoding;
import std.algorithm;

void main( string[] args ){
    File f = File( "pathToAfFile.txt", "r" );
    size_t i;
    auto e = EncodingScheme.create("utf-8");
    foreach( const(ubyte)[] buffer; f.byChunk( 4096 ) ){
        size_t step = 0;
        if( step == 0 ) step = e.firstSequence( buffer );
        for( size_t start; start + step < buffer.length; start = start + step )
            write( e.decode( buffer[start..start + step] ) );


D strings are already UTF-8. No transcoding is necessary. You can use validate from std.utf to check if the file contains valid UTF-8. If you use readText from std.file, it will do the validation for you.


File.byChunk returns a range which returns a ubyte[] via front.

A quick Google search seemed to indicate that UTF-8 uses 1 to 6 bytes to encode data so just make sure you always have 6 bytes of data and you can use std.encoding's decode to convert it a dchar character. You can then use std.utf's toUFT8 to convert to a regular string instead of a dstring.

The convert function below will convert any unsigned array range to a string.

import std.encoding, std.stdio, std.traits, std.utf;

void main()
    File input = File("test.txt");

    string data = convert(input.byChunk(512));

    writeln("Data: ", data);

string convert(R)(R chunkRange) 
    assert(isArray!(typeof(chunkRange.front)) && isUnsigned!(typeof(chunkRange.front[0])));
    ubyte[] inbuffer;
    dchar[] outbuffer;

    while(inbuffer.length > 0 || !chunkRange.empty)
        while((inbuffer.length < 6) && !chunkRange.empty)// Max UTF-8 byte length is 6
            inbuffer ~= chunkRange.front;

        outbuffer ~= decode(inbuffer);

    return toUTF8(outbuffer); // Convert to string instead of dstring

标签: d phobos