It is not so much a question, more of a note. With Glassfish4, in a JEE7 application I tried to use the flow scope using programmatic flow definition (java class annotated with @Produces @FlowDefinition).
I navigated to the start page of the flow with a h:commandButton (just as it is done in the JEE7 tutorial example When I pressed the button it stayed on the same page, where the button was, instead of going to the flow's start page.
After many hours of suffering, I realized that the problem is in the beans.xml, in my beans.xml I had this:
which is the recommended setting according to the documentation ( When I changed this to
it started to work.
Somehow CDI does not recognize the flow definition as an annotated class. I tried to make it a @Named class, or a @ApplicationScoped class, but non of these helped. I don't know if it is the intended behavior, or a bug.
Hope it saves a few ours to someone.