How to programmatically retrieve the configSource

2019-07-02 13:27发布


Does anyone know how i can get the configSource value using standard API?

<appSettings configSource="AppSettings.config" />

Or do i need to parse the web.config in XML to get the value?


You need to load the AppSettingsSection, then access its ElementInformation.Source property.

The link above contains information about how to access this section.




you need to add : using System.Configuration; namespace in your code


Need to use the config manager as @competent_tech mentioned.

//open the config file..
Configuration config= ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
//read the ConfigSource
string configSourceFile = config.AppSettings.SectionInformation.ConfigSource;


Couldn't get the API to correctly load the AppSettings section correctly using the suggestions from @dbugger and @competent_tech.

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Configuration.DefaultSection' to type


Eventually went the XML route in just as many lines of code:

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "web.config"));
var query = from e in xdoc.Descendants("appSettings")
            select e;

return query.First().Attribute("configSource").Value;

Thanks to all for the pointers.


You can use:

   <add  key="configSource" value="AppSettings.config"/>
   <add  key="anotherValueKey" value="anotherValue"/>
   <!-- You can put more ... -->

And retrieve the value:

string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["configSource"];
string anotherValue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["anotherValueKey"];

don't forget:

using System.Configuration;

标签: c# web-config