I have a TeamCity server and a YouTrack server working with SubVersion. I have enable integration in the two JB applications.
Is it possible to changes the status of YT issues from comments in the SubVersion commit comments? I.e. TC will update the YT status accordingly, and set in YT which version the fix was done.
Yes, f.e. you can write
#TST-12 Fixed
in you commit message which will transit #TST-12 to the Fixed state.
For more details look here.
First of all you need to make sure TC is able to match a VCS user to it's user. Check a change in changes log of TeamCity (Build->Changes log). In case you see 'TeamCity user: Unknown (none of TeamCity users defined %user.name% username in his/her VCS username settings)' you should associate a VCS user name with your profile: %your_TC_server_url%/profile.html -> General tab -> Version Control Username Settings.
This will make TC recognize VCS user.
Please also be aware of requirements related to permissions of TeamCity user which integration runs on behalf of. Please find more details here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/JT-8233#comment=27-230640
Hope this helps.