I'm looking for code examples for the Gamepad API for Google Dart.
I've tried relying on the API doc directly and attempted to write out an instance for it.
//Gamepad Example:
Gamepad g = new Gamepad();
g.id.toString(); // This doesn't seem to return anything...
If anyone has any code examples for this that would be fantastic!
I tried this and it worked for me :
import "dart:html";
var gamepads = window.navigator.getGamepads();
for (var pad in gamepads)
if(pad != null){
querySelector("#buttons").setInnerHtml("${pad.buttons.join(" ")}</br>${pad.axes.join(" ")}");
I don't have a gamepad to try but
Gamepad g = new Gamepad();
doesn't work because Gamepade
has no public constructor.
var gp = window.navigator.getGamepads();
// haven't tried because I don't know how to provoke this event without a gamepad
window.on['gamepadconnected'].listen((e) {
var gamepad = e.gamepad;
I get an empty list so I can't examine more.
see also:
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/Gamepad
- https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gamepad/raw-file/default/gamepad.html