Mapbox Icons/Markers “BearingSnap” or Snap to Posi

2019-07-02 01:29发布


Is there a way to move icons/markers to a certain location where it will then "snap" to the location?

For example, chess games on the computer where when you move a chess piece to the correct square, it will snap to that position when you let go of the piece near/around the square.

So what I want is to move a marker or an icon to a certain location, let's say the capital of California, and the marker will "snap" to the location that I want when I move it and let go of the marker near the location. But I also want to still be able to move the marker if I want to.

I know Mapbox gl has bearingSnap which snaps the map back to north after the user rotates the map but I can't find anything for just icons/markers and I don't believe I can use bearingSnap for it.



You can use Turfs distance function: turf.distance(pt1, pt2) to measure distances between 2 points. If then the calculated distance is under a certain threshold, you can set the location of your dragging point to the location of your snap point.

I have you a working example in a jsfiddle:

function onMove(e) {
  if (!isDragging) return;
  var coords = e.lngLat;

  // Set a UI indicator for dragging. = 'grabbing';

  // Update the Point feature in `geojson` coordinates
  // and call setData to the source layer `point` on it.
  geojson.features[0].geometry.coordinates = [coords.lng,];
  let snapTo = map.getSource('snap')._data;
  turf.featureEach(snapTo, (feature) => {
    let dist = turf.distance(feature, turf.point([coords.lng,]));
    // if the distance of the dragging point is under a certain threshold
    if (dist < 500) {
    	// set the location of the dragging point to the location of the snapping point
    	geojson.features[0].geometry.coordinates = feature.geometry.coordinates;


This is a feature you can and should implement upstream of GL JS. When you construct the coordinate of the marker or GeoJSON feature, snap it to the desired grid.