I am currently using the jQuery lazyload plugin to load images. I am using javascript to replace the src and data-original attributes. This causes a slight flicker on load. I am wondering if there is a way with jquery to select only the images below the fold or above the fold so that I can avoid this flicker.
var $imgs = $("img:not(.nolazy)");
$imgs.each( function(){
var imgSrc = $(this).attr("src");
effect : "fadeIn"
Edit: @Jason Sperske great answer. This is the code that I have resolved the flickering issue with:
var wH = $(window).height();
var $imgs = $("img:not(.nolazy)");
$imgs.each( function(){
var imgPosition = $(this).offset();
if(imgPosition.top > wH){
var imgSrc = $(this).attr("src");
effect : "fadeIn"