在Mac OSX上的可可。 如果你看一下在Mac应用程序称为片段(看电影的http://snippetsapp.com/ )。 你会看到,一旦你点击了一个完美对齐视图/面板或者甚至会出现窗户正好在图标下方状态栏的图标。
- 子类
- 设置视图罗马教的菜单的第一项(工作,但不够)
- 使用addSubview代替图标
注:请不要使用它 ,至少不会来定位一个NSStatusItem的目的。
回来时,我贴这个,这个疯狂的图像匹配技术是解决这个问题没有未公开的API的唯一途径。 现在,你应该使用奥斯卡的解决方案。
@implementation NSScreen (LTStatusItemLocator)
// Find the location of IMG on the screen's status bar.
// If the image is not found, returns NSZeroPoint
- (NSPoint)originOfStatusItemWithImage:(NSImage *)IMG
CGColorSpaceRef csK = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
NSPoint ret = NSZeroPoint;
CGDirectDisplayID screenID = 0;
CGImageRef displayImg = NULL;
CGImageRef compareImg = NULL;
CGRect screenRect = CGRectZero;
CGRect barRect = CGRectZero;
uint8_t *bm_bar = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_bar_ptr;
uint8_t *bm_compare = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_compare_ptr;
size_t bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h;
BOOL inverted = NO;
int numberOfScanLines = 0;
CGFloat *meanValues = NULL;
int presumptiveMatchIdx = -1;
CGFloat presumptiveMatchMeanVal = 999;
// If the computer is set to Dark Mode, set the "inverted" flag
NSDictionary *globalPrefs = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain];
id style = globalPrefs[@"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
if ([style isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
inverted = (NSOrderedSame == [style caseInsensitiveCompare:@"dark"]);
screenID = (CGDirectDisplayID)[self.deviceDescription[@"NSScreenNumber"] integerValue];
screenRect = CGDisplayBounds(screenID);
// Get the menubar rect
barRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, screenRect.size.width, 22);
displayImg = CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(screenID, barRect);
if (!displayImg) {
NSLog(@"Unable to create image from display");
return ret; // I would normally use goto(bail) here, but this is public code so let's not ruffle any feathers
size_t bar_w = CGImageGetWidth(displayImg);
size_t bar_h = CGImageGetHeight(displayImg);
// Determine scale factor based on the CGImageRef we got back from the display
CGFloat scaleFactor = (CGFloat)bar_h / (CGFloat)22;
// Greyscale bitmap for menu bar
bm_bar = malloc(1 * bar_w * bar_h);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_bar, bar_w, bar_h, 8, 1 * bar_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
// Draw the menu bar in grey
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0, 0, bar_w, bar_h), displayImg);
uint8_t minVal = 0xff;
uint8_t maxVal = 0x00;
// Walk the bitmap
uint64_t running = 0;
for (int yi = bar_h / 2; yi == bar_h / 2; yi++)
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar + (bar_w * yi);
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
uint8_t v = *bm_bar_ptr++;
if (v < minVal) minVal = v;
if (v > maxVal) maxVal = v;
running += v;
running /= bar_w;
uint8_t threshold = minVal + ((maxVal - minVal) / 2);
//threshold = running;
// Walk the bitmap
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar;
for (int yi = 0; yi < bar_h; yi++)
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
// Threshold all the pixels. Values > 50% go white, values <= 50% go black
// (opposite if Dark Mode)
// Could unroll this loop as an optimization, but probably not worthwhile
*bm_bar_ptr = (*bm_bar_ptr > threshold) ? (inverted?0x00:0xff) : (inverted?0xff:0x00);
displayImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
CGImageRef img_cg = NULL;
bm_compare_w = scaleFactor * IMG.size.width;
bm_compare_h = scaleFactor * 22;
// Create out comparison bitmap - the image that was passed in
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(bmCxt, kCGBlendModeNormal);
NSRect imgRect_og = NSMakeRect(0,0,IMG.size.width,IMG.size.height);
NSRect imgRect = imgRect_og;
img_cg = [IMG CGImageForProposedRect:&imgRect context:nil hints:nil];
CGContextClearRect(bmCxt, imgRect);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor whiteColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,9999,9999));
CGContextScaleCTM(bmCxt, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
CGContextTranslateCTM(bmCxt, 0, (22. - IMG.size.height) / 2.);
// Draw the image in grey
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, imgRect, img_cg);
compareImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
// We start at the right of the menu bar, and scan left until we find a good match
int numberOfScanLines = barRect.size.width - IMG.size.width;
bm_compare = malloc(1 * bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h);
// We use the meanValues buffer to keep track of how well the image matched for each point in the scan
meanValues = calloc(sizeof(CGFloat), numberOfScanLines);
// Walk the menubar image from right to left, pixel by pixel
for (int scanx = 0; scanx < numberOfScanLines; scanx++)
// Optimization, if we recently found a really good match, bail on the loop and return it
if ((presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) && (scanx > (presumptiveMatchIdx + 5))) {
CGFloat xOffset = numberOfScanLines - scanx;
CGRect displayRect = CGRectMake(xOffset * scaleFactor, 0, IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor);
CGImageRef displayCrop = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(displayImg, displayRect);
CGContextRef compareCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_compare, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeCopy);
// Draw the image from our menubar
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), displayCrop);
// Blend mode difference is like an XOR
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeDifference);
// Draw the test image. Because of blend mode, if we end up with a black image we matched perfectly
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), compareImg);
// Walk through the result image, to determine overall blackness
bm_compare_ptr = bm_compare;
for (int i = 0; i < bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h; i++)
meanValues[scanx] += (CGFloat)(*bm_compare_ptr);
meanValues[scanx] /= (255. * (CGFloat)(bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h));
// If the image is very dark, it matched well. If the average pixel value is < 0.07, we consider this
// a presumptive match. Mark it as such, but continue looking to see if there's an even better match.
if (meanValues[scanx] < 0.07) {
if (meanValues[scanx] < presumptiveMatchMeanVal) {
presumptiveMatchMeanVal = meanValues[scanx];
presumptiveMatchIdx = scanx;
// After we're done scanning the whole menubar (or we bailed because we found a good match),
// return the origin point.
// If we didn't match well enough, return NSZeroPoint
if (presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) {
ret = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame));
ret.x -= (IMG.size.width + presumptiveMatchIdx);
ret.y -= 22;
if (bm_bar) free(bm_bar);
if (bm_compare) free(bm_compare);
if (meanValues) free(meanValues);
return ret;
给NSStatusItem视图,然后获取该视图的窗口的边框。 这在技术上算作UndocumentedGoodness,所以不感到惊讶,如果它打破了一天(例如,如果他们开始保持窗口离屏幕代替)。
要做到这一点,而不自定义视图的麻烦,我尝试以下(的作品)。 在被设定为用于即称为当用户点击的状态项的方法的状态项的动作的方法中,状态项目的框架可以通过检索:
[[[NSApp currentEvent] window] frame]
fileprivate var centerBelowMenuItem: CGPoint {
guard let window = window, let barButton = statusItem.button else { return .zero }
let rectInWindow = barButton.convert(barButton.bounds, to: nil)
let screenRect = barButton.window?.convertToScreen(rectInWindow) ?? .zero
// We now have the menu item rect on the screen.
// Let's do some basic math to center our window to this point.
let centerX = screenRect.origin.x-(window.frame.size.width-barButton.bounds.width)/2
return CGPoint(x: centerX, y: screenRect.origin.y)
看来,这个应用程序使用马特的MAAttachedWindow 。 还有用相同的布局和位置的示例应用程序。
从Apple NSStatusItem类参考 :
设置自定义视图覆盖所有NSStatusItem规定的其他外观和行为设置。 定制视图负责绘制本身和提供其自身的行为,如处理鼠标点击和发送动作的消息。
也许这对我的作品(SWIFT 4.1)另一种解决方案:
let yourStatusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
let frameOrigin = yourStatusItem.button?.window?.frame.origin
let yourPoint = CGPoint(x: (frameOrigin?.x)!, y: (frameOrigin?.y)! - 22)