I encountered a resource merging issue when running a gradle build
Logs as below:
Error:Execution failed for task ':frameworks:base:core:res:res-common:packageReleaseResources'.> Unsupported type 'add-resource' in file .../kk4_4/frameworks/base/core/res/res-common/res/values-XXX/dimens.xml
- Android Studio: 0.5.8
- Android Plugin: 0.10.+
- Gradle Version: all damned from 1.10 to 1.12
<add-resource type="dimen" name="slidingmenu_menu_width"/>
<dimen name="slidingmenu_menu_width">232dip</dimen>
<add-resource type="dimen" name="card_list_item_padding_left" />
<dimen name="card_list_item_padding_left">13.5dip</dimen>
These <add-resource />
nodes are used for overlays in aapt, and I wonder if there's a way to pass gradle builds without removing them?