I have got problem with sorting column in gridView. I want to select only those rows in column which name equal for example "Finished"
My gridView consists of few BoundField and TamplateFields. When I want to sort by proper BoundField I put proper string to property FilterExpression. For example:
Field in GridView:
<asp:BoundField DataField="identifier" HeaderText="Case number" SortExpression="identifier" />
so I set
FilterExpression = "[identifier] LIKE '%" + txtCaseNumber.Text + "%'"
where identifier is DataField in BoundField and In this case everything is ok. But when I want to select proper rows from column wihich name equal Fininish from TempateField I don't know how I should do it. Exaple of TemplateField looks like this:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Status" SortExpression="Status">
<asp:Label ID="lblStatus" runat="server" Text='<%# Utils.ConvertToProcessStatus((int)Eval("status"))%>'></asp:Label>
If anyone know how I can do it??
Thanks for help.
It's ok but I forgot mention that I have my own user contron (ucCaseFilter) which consists of DropDownList from which I choose status. For example: Failed, InProgress, Finish ... Inside this control I create public property Filter and I want to assign string value which will be select proper column and sort them .
Filter = "[???] = '" + ddlCaseStatus.SelectedValue + "'";
Then in gridView use it:
FilterExpression = ucCaseFilter.Filter;
I don't know how get column name or other approach which afford me sort by "Status" column.
If I didn't understand previous answerd and it refer to correct soluti