Apologies if this is very straightforward. Actually I hope it will be!
I am trying to dynamically create images from text which I can then resize and plot (either stretched or squashed) to produce a motif-type graph.
I started out using images (which I'd generated using png()
and ggplot()
) and plotting them as annotation_custom()
qplot(c(0,10),c(0,10)) +
to produce:
This is fine, but it's awkward to create the images dynamically if they are not the same size, using png()
, plus it's clunky to persist them to file, so I tried to see if I could use a textGrob:
myTextGrob<-textGrob(myText,just=c("left","bottom"),gp=gpar(fontsize="100",col="red",fontfamily="Showcard Gothic"))
and got this, which is fine, except....
...it doesn't seem possible to stretch & skew it in the same way as a rasterGrob
so my question is - is it possible to create the textGrob and coerce it to a rasterGrob? Or is there another solution which will let me skew/stretch the textGrob?
Thanks in advance!